Saturday, January 13, 2007

Surfing for Allendale

Several fellow family researchers have expressed interest in Allendale, Northumberland, England and have asked for recommendations for regional resources. To that end, I have compiled a list of some outstanding web pages that detail the history of Allendale. I have included picture sites, map sites, primary source sites, personal sites, and genealogy portals. Hopefully, there's something for everyone!

Many of these pages are subsets of much larger web sites which should be of interest to all Northumberland researchers. Whether or not you are researching families that lived in Allendale, I recommend that you take a look at the web sites that I have flagged with two asterisks (**). Once you have arrived at the referenced page, you may want to go to the home page to get a feel for the breadth of the entire web site.

Please let me know if you are aware of any additional online resources (both on- and off-line) that relate to the history of Allendale and the families that lived in the area.

Allendale, Northumberland
Local and Family History
Online Resources

Allen Valleys Archive

☞ Archive Images

Dawson Family in Allendale, Northumberland, England

☞ Personal family website

Fairlambs of Allendale **

☞ Family and Local History Site


☞ Allendale, Northumberland Genealogy

Keys to the Past **

☞ Allendale Local History

North Pennine Ancestors

☞ Web site for genealogists who are researching their ancestors in the north of England

Northumberland Communities

☞ Allendale

☞ Allendale - Plans and Maps

Peart Family Page

☞ Personal family website

Historical Directories **
☞ Pigot & Co.'s National Commerical Directory, 1828-29
Select Find by Location then search “Northumberland,” then “Allendale”

Photographs from Northumberland

☞ Allendale

Tomorrow’s History

☞ Allendale Estate, estate, manorial and lead mining papers
A selection of papers from the Allendale MSS (91 items in this collection)

☞ Letters from members of the Graham, Peart and other families of Killhope, 1852 - 1887.
Note: Peart letters in this collection are misleadingly labeled “Letters from the Graham Family.” (84 items in this collection)

Reminiscences of John William Hall

☞ Family history including description of Allendale meetings and mining

Research by Brian Pears at

☞ Greendikes – a tale of forgery and greed

☞ Relatives of Brian Pears

☞ Wartime Incidents in Allenheads and Allendale

☞ Where There’s a Will

Swinhopeburn Families of Allendale, Northumberland

☞ Personal family website

Waggonways Maps **

Maps of Northumberland, County Durham, and Cleveland showing each waggonway (or wagonway), tramway, mineral railway, colliery, coal pit, lead mine, fluorspar mine, ironstone mine and quarry.


John J. Kaiser said...


I am a U.S. historian doing some research into a gentleman who was born and grew up in Allendale around 1790-1800 or so. I was hoping you might have some suggestions for reliable sources as I've never done any research in England. Also, I was wondering if you would be able to look up documents in your local archives (I can afford to pay some, but as I am still a grad student I can't afford too much). Thanks in advance for your reply.

John Kaiser

Fiona said...

I live in Northumberland about 17 miles from Allendale, I'm very happy to provide photos of the area for anyone wishing them. My blog is